
Having ESP: Why I am Red for Techs

Amethyst Hinton Sainz Current Affairs, Education, Education Policy, Life in the Classroom, Literacy, Love, Uncategorized

When we were kids we used to joke about having ESP, extra-sensory perception. We thought it would be a blast to be psychic, read people’s minds and look into the future. Now, as a junior high teacher, I am often

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Hitting the Like Button: Using Social Media to Grow an Online Community

Leah Clark Professional Development, Uncategorized

I joined Facebook in 2002 when you had to have a college email address to sign up for the social media site. Each day I checked my account in anticipation of the new friend requests I received. Over the years,

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Clarity through Focus Groups (part 1)

Yolanda Wheelington Assessment, Current Affairs, Education, Education Policy, Elementary, Life in the Classroom, Professional Development, Social Issues, Teacher Leadership, Uncategorized

Focus group questions projected on the Smartboard?   Check. Handouts with the questions so the teachers can follow along?    Check. The Asian food I had ordered for our group was out and other snacks are ready to be eaten. Clean tables

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