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It’s Your Time

Susan Collins Social Issues

Me: I’ll have the breakfast special. Server: how would you like your eggs? Me: scrambled Server: bacon, ham, sausage, or turkey sausage? Me: bacon, very crisp. Server: white, wheat, rye, sourdough, English Muffin, or blueberry muffin? Me: ooooh, blueberry muffin.

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An Ode to Community College

James King Uncategorized

“Bragging rights,” I assured him. A colleague and I were walking to our cars discussing all of the letters of recommendation that we had written this year for “prestigious” schools. “Why are people applying to be in debt at these

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The Teaching Tango

Caitlin Gawlowski Uncategorized

Is teaching an art or a science? Well, it depends on who you ask. There are those who believe that teaching is an art. There is absolutely an art to teaching: letting your passion shine, engaging students in their learning,

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Reflex or Reflection?

Sandy Merz Current Affairs

(Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay) Many years ago I participated in an excellent professional development class called Cognitive Coaching. Over several weeks we learned ways to coach mentees, such as National Board candidates, as they plan, execute, problem-solve, and

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