FridaKahlo by Olivia

Addressing Dyslexia in Arizona, Part 1

Amethyst Hinton Sainz Assessment, Current Affairs, Education, Education Policy, Elementary, Literacy, Parent Involvment, Professional Development

Frida Kahlo is known for her vibrancy in art and life, and her courage. Although I have always loved the surreal, direct qualities of her portraits, I had forgotten that she experienced injury and illness that led to multiple physical

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Happy Teacher Appreciation Weak

Teacher Appreciation Weak

Beth Maloney Current Affairs, Education, Education Policy, Elementary, Life in the Classroom, Professional Development, Teacher Leadership, Uncategorized

Ah, teacher appreciation week. I look forward to the handmade cards and homemade goodies, and if I’m really lucky, school supplies or a Starbucks gift card. But here’s what I really want for Teacher Appreciation Week. Stop undermining the teaching

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