FridaKahlo by Olivia

Addressing Dyslexia in Arizona, Part 1

Amethyst Hinton Sainz Assessment, Current Affairs, Education, Education Policy, Elementary, Literacy, Parent Involvment, Professional Development

Frida Kahlo is known for her vibrancy in art and life, and her courage. Although I have always loved the surreal, direct qualities of her portraits, I had forgotten that she experienced injury and illness that led to multiple physical

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Parents: Please Look Beyond the Snapshots to Look at the Core

Amethyst Hinton Sainz Current Affairs, Education, Education Policy, Elementary, Literacy, Mathematics, Parent Involvment, Professional Development

In the past many months, I’m sure many of you who are on social media have noticed a certain brand of posts related to the Common Core. Most of them begin with a photo of a third-grader’s math homework. Usually,

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