
Daniela A. Robles Uncategorized

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extraordinary“The day after the premiere I was walking onto campus and stopped. I stopped and took in the image of Mitchell School. I paused, because in that moment I realized that our little school, Mitchell, was doing something extraordinary- becoming the symbol for the good things that are happening in America’s public schools.”

Billie Williams, The Mitchell 20

Five years ago, I wondered if teaching was about being told what to teach, and how to teach it. Four years ago, I rekindled my passion for teaching by holding my practice up to a set of standards. Three years ago, I imagined a cohort of my colleagues honing their craft. Two years ago, I challenged myself to leaving my career home, and starting all over. A year ago, I cried myself to sleep every Sunday night wondering if I could start a new week in a new school, with new colleagues, and a new purpose.

Today individuals are asking me what it means to be an educator. The triumphs, the disappointments, the trials and tribulations. Today, teachers are thanking me for representing excellence in our profession. Today, teachers are asking me to take a picture with them. Today, I am reminded what a privilege it is to use my teacher voice and speak not only from the heart, but the truth about our profession.

Tonight, I think about my former school, my colleagues, the students, the parents and I am filled with gratitude. Gratitude for spending thirteen years in an extraordinary school that mirrors other extraordinary schools across the city, state, and country.



Daniela A. Robles

Phoenix, Arizona

I am a teacher and beginning my fourteenth year of teaching in Arizona’s public schools. The greatest lessons I learned were from teaching first grade for ten years. My inspirations stem from these past few years where my classroom has ranged from the Intervention Room to the Coaches’ Room.

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