
What Will Fall Look Like?

Jaime Festa-Daigle Uncategorized

As the school calendar comes to a close, schools are continuing to figure out how to answer questions around locker cleanouts, award ceremonies, graduations, and summer school.  Processes and procedures that have marked the end of the year for decades

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Crisis Leadership

Jaime Festa-Daigle Uncategorized

I always thought I was a strong leader, but nothing has tested my leadership like COVID-19.  It has tested the leadership of every school administrator in a way that is different from everything else.  In a matter of days, our

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If I Knew Then

Jaime Festa-Daigle Uncategorized

I recently watched a video about teachers writing letters to themselves on their first day of teaching.  I was so inspired that I asked our mentors to facilitate this for our district’s new teachers and to bring these to our

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