No, It’s a Child.

Daniela A. Robles Uncategorized

Yesterday my colleagues and I had the pleasure of a good old-fashioned read-aloud (no post-its to track our thinking, or an explicit strategy think aloud). We gathered in the library for our PLC Wednesday and our principal began the afternoon

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The Union I Know

Daniela A. Robles Uncategorized

As the Arizona temperatures begin to fall below a hundred, and the excitement surrounding “Education Week” in America begins to fade, we find ourselves with lingering thoughts. I know I find myself with sound bytes from the teacher accountability discussion

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Daniela A. Robles Uncategorized

Educators across the country are sitting with baited breath in anticipation of “NBC’s Education Nation” to be held September 26th -30th. As I visited the homepage for the event, I was struck by the following text: “Education is key to

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