photo credit: David Gallagher El Crystal School 1970-1971 2nd Grade via photopin (license)

Society is Shaped in the Elementary Classroom

Yolanda Wheelington Current Affairs, Education, Elementary, Life in the Classroom, Literacy, Love, Mathematics, National Board Certification, Parent Involvment, Professional Development, Religion, Science, Social Issues, Sports, Teacher Leadership

Renewable Resources Most agree that social justice in America is becoming more questionable. We are a nation drenched in biases, prejudices, and mistreatments. We have a multitude of programs and initiatives aimed at righting these wrongs ranging from the Civil

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My daughter did somewhat redeem my #cakefail with a deft spatula and fresh raspberries.


Amethyst Hinton Sainz Assessment, Life in the Classroom, Mentoring, Professional Development

    Ever since the Bill Murray movie, Groundhog Day has become an icon for the repetitive patterns in which we find ourselves, patterns which must be improved incrementally over time, because they are so much a part of how we operate.

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