
Platforms Vs. Foundations. Pre- and Post- Pandemic Metaphors

Amethyst Hinton Sainz Uncategorized

Lately I have been considering the term “learning platform.” If you are a teacher, you have likely been expected to utilize multiple learning platforms over the past decade. If you have been avoiding digital learning platforms, then you certainly have

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surfers riding a wave

Riding the #EdWave and Diving Deeper into Teacher Leadership

Amethyst Hinton Sainz Current Affairs, Education, Education Policy, Professional Development, Teacher Leadership, Uncategorized

Last spring, when 70,000 teachers flooded the Capitol to make five demands known, there were as many leaders as followers. Educators flexed the bullhorn, organized a band, wrote initiatives, arranged meetings with lawmakers, trained people to circulate petitions, set up

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Room for Reflection: Learning Environments

Amethyst Hinton Sainz Life in the Classroom, National Board Certification

“Accomplished English language arts teachers carefully and intentionally design and manage all aspects of the learning environment, from the physical space and the physical resources within it, to the movement of people and objects, the personal relationships within the environment,

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