A District, A Salary Schedule, and Decompression: An Interview with Robbie Ramirez

Amethyst Hinton Sainz Current Affairs, Education, Education Policy, Teacher Leadership

I interview teacher-leader Robbie Ramirez about the effects of salary compression in her district. She provides a personal story which makes it clear why decompressing the salaries of veteran teachers should be a top priority in districts which have made painful budget choices in the past several years.

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Reflecting back…

Jen Robinson Uncategorized

After taking some time to relax and enjoy the holidays with friends and family, it was time to conquer the list. You know “the list” I am referring to. I had post it notes all over the house and at

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The Kids Are Alright

Eve Rifkin Uncategorized

Several years ago, I had the fortune of traveling to Florence, Italy, where Michelangelo's "David" lives. It was an early summer morning, smack in the middle of high tourist season, and I was, unbelievably, the only visitor in the Accademia

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One Day

Daniela A. Robles Uncategorized

I, like many other teachers, believe that assessment should be directly aligned to the teaching and learning in your classroom. Even during our current era of high stakes assessment, I still believed. For the past ten years, each time the

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Come Together

Jen Robinson Uncategorized

Friday, December 13th started like every other day. I got up around 4:30 went for a run with the dogs, had a cup of coffee and began to think about the day ahead. When I had gotten to school we

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